1976年,他开始在西方传授大圆满(Dzogchen),首先在意大利,随后到其他许多国家传授。他很快在修炼者和信徒中获得了精神权威的地位,并在世界各地创建了许多修习中心,重要的中心在意大利、美国、阿根廷、澳大利亚和俄罗斯。 1983年在威尼斯主持召开第 ...
龙钦巴尊者(藏语:ཀློང་ཆེན་རབ་འབྱམས་པ་,威利转写:klong chen rab 'byams pa,THL:Longchen Rapchampa,藏语拼音:Longqên Rabjamba;1308年—1364年)藏传佛教宁玛派(红派)的一位学者与伏藏师,被视莲花生大士之后的第二佛陀。 龙钦巴的尊称 ...
which is most closely aligned with the Dzogchen tradition and involves quieting his inner thoughts. Every morning, Drapeau sits cross-legged in his home’s designated meditation room–sometimes ...
2008(03):110-116. [5] 崔连仲著.《古印度吠陀时代和列国时代史料选辑》[M].商务印书馆,1998年2月1日 [6] Tiziana Gottardi,Zinnia M.Steinhauer.The Practice for the Naga[M].Associazione Culturale Comunita Dzogchen Merigar,Arcidosso ...
kun tu bzang po), not to be confused with the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Nyingma art often depicts this figure as a naked blue Buddha. According to Dzogchen Ponlop: The color blue symbolizes the ...
Dzogchen and Buddhism in general shape his use of AI tools was a heart-opening experience,” New Orleans artist Thomas Laird wrote on LinkedIn after attending the event. Steve Gleason says ...
Sam Harris recommends life-changing books that provoke thought on consciousness, ethics, spirituality, and humanity's future, ...
He said that this presentation, therefore, represents a new era in the transmission of Vajrayāna Buddhism in which a once ‘secret’ practice is made available to a larger audience by an experienced ...
Professor Waldron teaches courses on the South Asian religious traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, Tibetan religion and history, comparative psychologies and philosophies of mind, and theory and ...