Find out about Resolution Therapeutics' macrophage therapy, as it just raised $85 million in a series B round.
More than 200 viruses can infect and cause disease in humans; most of us will be infected by several over the course of a ...
在一项新的研究中,来自威尔康奈尔医学院的研究人员利用一种先进的模型系统,揭示了SARS-CoV-2冠状病毒诱发 糖尿病 以及加重已患糖尿病者并发症的机制。他们发现,这种病毒暴露会激活 免疫 细胞,进而破坏产生胰岛素的胰腺细胞——β细胞。
提到益生菌,相信大家对此并不陌生。生活中最常见的莫过于酸奶、乳酸菌饮品等,甚至有些人会主动去购买一些益生菌补剂。但一直以来,对益生菌的看法两极分化严重——有些观点极端地吹捧益生菌能“包治百病”,防腹泻便秘、防治高血压、降低胆固醇、增强抵抗力等等,听上 ...
2024年9月26日,王红阳/陈磊团队在 Nature Cancer 在线发表了题为 Spatial Single-cell Protein Landscape reveals vimentin+ macrophages as immune ...
Inflammatory processes are the body’s defence against local damage and disease. Inflammation involves the influx into organs of immune cells (white blood cells) from the blood. These cells deal with ...
A high density of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) is associated with poorer prognosis and survival in breast cancer patients. Recent studies have shown that lipid accumulation in TAMs can promote ...
结肠镜检查是结直肠腺瘤(CRA)诊断的标准方法。但它作为一种侵入性检查,会给患者带来一定的不适感;同时其高昂的操作成本限制了其在大规模筛查中的应用。已有的研究表明使用血浆代谢物进行结直肠癌(CRC)诊断是一种有效可行的方式。然而在腺瘤-癌发展过程中, ...
Understanding the mechanisms that prevent the progression of AKI is crucial. In AKI, immune cells known as macrophages produce lipid mediators (LMs), which are lipids with significant ...
【导读】作为癌症中最常见的基因改变,超过一半的人类癌症具有导致转录失活的p53突变。然而,p53如何调节免疫景观以创造免疫逃逸的生态位,仍然难以捉摸。团队发现癌症干细胞(CSCs)建立了白细胞介素34(IL-34)编排的生态位,以促进p53灭活肝癌的 ...