For example, in Figure 1 we see a population of Paramecium over a six day period. How do population ecologists quantitatively describe such a population? (Figure 1). And if we began the population ...
谜题的线索是先前在第四双小核草履虫(Paramecium tetraurelia)中发现的mtA基因。它会编码一种在细胞准备好进行性过程时位于“偶数”交配型细胞纤毛 ...
DR BRIAN COX:There it is. DR BRIAN COX:Now that is a paramecium. It may look like a simple animal, but in fact it's a member of a group of organisms called protists and you'd have to go back ...
The novel centers on a precocious grade-schooler and a mysterious organization that purchases high achievers and uses them to ...
(E) Multiple mitochondria in the ciliate Paramecium bursaria (scale bar in D and E: 1 micrometer). The proton gradients that power respiration are as universal as the genetic code itself ...