AI 编程最近特别热闹。 自媒体文章说它很强大,确实身边也会看到技术小白用它做出酷炫作品,令人艳羡。 但你自己用时却常遇到坑,找技术朋友一问听到的回答是“AI 干不了这个、铁定会把你带沟里去”。 谁说得对?技术小白到底能不能用 AI ...
根据市场研公司 Gartner 的最新预测,到2026年,AI 个人电脑的市场份额将达到43%。也就是说,未来大企业几乎只能选择带有 AI 技术的电脑了。听起来是不是很有意思? Gartner 表示,预计2024年 AI ...
John Cleese and Eric Idle are continuing to duke it out on social media. The Monty Python legends exchanged barbs earlier this year, locking horns over their estrangement after Idle complained ...
There, she dabbled with Python, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and all sorts of electronic components. When she isn't in front of her computer, she's either watching the latest tech reviews or tinkering ...
In fact, when the military coup is announced, signaled on the radio by Sousa’s rousing march “The Liberty Bell,” all Michell thinks about is being woken up by the Monty Python theme.
But for The Daily Show’s purposes, it provided an excellent opportunity to play that clip from Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life of Mr. Creosote barfing into a bucket. You know the one.