The memorial to Albert Einstein, situated in an elm and holly grove in the southwest corner of the Academy grounds, was unveiled at the Academy's annual meeting, April 22, 1979, in honor of the ...
Search the profiles of NAS members by keyword OR use the filters below. When searching with multiple filter options, records that meet all of the criteria will display. Select more than one entry in a ...
The Frontiers of Science symposium series was created as the first program of the National Academy of Sciences targeted specifically for early career scientists. Frontiers was designed to bridge the ...
In my research I focus on the properties of ultra-cold atomic gases. My group has used laser-cooling and magnetic-trapping techniques to cool samples of rubidium vapor through the transition ...
The NAS Award in Chemical Sciences is presented annually to honor innovative research in the chemical sciences that contributes to a better understanding of the natural sciences and to the benefit of ...
The Selman A. Waksman Award recognizes a major advance in the field of microbiology and is presented with a $20,000 prize. Nominations are being accepted now for the 2025 Award. Nancy A. Moran, The ...
The NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences recognizes research by a mid-career scientist (defined as up to 20 years since completion of PhD) at a U.S. institution who has made an extraordinary ...
My current research topics are in the fields of econometrics and economic theory, specifically, the economics of aging, savings behavior, demographic trends, housing mobility, dynamics of health and ...
The Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics is presented every three years and carries with it a $20,000 prize. The Award recognizes outstanding contributions made to the field of biophysics.
My research revolves around DNA structure and functions: the chemical topology of circular DNA, the biological effects of DNA topology, and the mechanisms and biological roles of DNA topisomerases ...
Dr. Lefkowitz's research interest focuses on the elucidation of the molecular and regulatory properties controlling the function of G protein coupled receptors, such as the adrenergic receptors. In ...
The first part of my career was devoted to Condensed Matter Physics and included studies of dynamics near phase transitions, high temperature superconductors; and nonlinear dynamics, pattern formation ...